U of T Faculty of Science and Engineering
Client Success Story
Getting to “Yes!” Added flexibility, functionality, and the modular based approach has allowed OPG to not only build out the web experience desired, but has also enabled them to quickly and easily spin up new web experiences using the elements already created for their main web property. Developing the site in a modular manner has allowed the content team to start saying “YES!” to internal requests for additional copy, functionality, pages, posts.
After a competitive selection process, OPG chose FlowPress to engineer this new website in partnership with their brand agency, Forsman & Bodenfors.
By the numbers
PageSpeed Score
SEO Score
Blocked Risks
Reduced Code Score
- Dedicated Senior Developer
- Dedicated Project Manager
- Application Monitoring for Issues
- Uptime Monitoring
- Security Scanning
- WordPress Updates
- WordPress Plugin Updates
- Hosting Relationship Management
- Code change management in GitHub